Corporate Responsibility
Polincay assumes the important thing that it is to realise a responsible enterprise task, for that reason is developed with a deep respect by its workers, the environment and the culture. Modern production systems and advanced technology, enable the company to ensure cleaner production processes, that comply to current standards. Important training programs, together with risk prevention consulting and management, guarantee to all Polincay employees a safe working environment. |
Polincay and Culture
Conscientious of which their commitments not only are framed in the scope of the company, Polincay from its beginnings has contributed to the national artistic development. At present, under the motto "To grow in the Culture", Polincay destines important resources to spread the art in different national scopes. TRECE ART GALLERY ART IN METRO |
Av. Los Libertadores 29, Colina · Ph: (56-2) 2 9230000 · polincay@polincay.cl . Chile.
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